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Showing posts from January, 2009

Current Economic Issues in Baseball

When I was in transit over the past couple of weeks, I had the opportunity to sit down and write up a response to some of the economic troubles that the common fan brings attention to with baseball. These opinions come on the heels of large December spending and increasingly expensive ticket prices. Common fans do not like to see these two combine and when they do, their pessimism is hard to respond to. In a time where the entire country has felt the recession to an extent, fans are more deterred than ever. Baseball is an escape from the negativity of the world and I don't expect that to change, though perhaps the way that fans access the game may drastically change. The future of baseball and all of the entertainment industry moneymakers is successful use of media and new media. I have tried to give myself a glimpse into this by blogging and learning how online networks grow. The development of strong fan connections can be made through building a bridge from the team to the fans.

Getting a Job in Baseball

I figure that it is time to write an update with respect to my professional development as this blog is intended to shine some light as to how young professionals can get into Major League Baseball using my anecdotal stories as an example. The Waiting Game I recently went on a two week vacation to Egypt and the Dominican Republic. When I left, I had no job offers, few leads and no reason to feel hopeful that anything was coming. Yet I still had the feeling that when I checked my phone each night for messages that I would have good news. Before going to sleep in a timezone that was 7 hours ahead of the east coast, I would turn my cellphone on for five minutes to try and catch a signal to see if I had voice messages. The nerves making my stomach turn over each day that I either did not receive a message or there was no signal for the phone to pick up as we sailed along the Nile. After returning to Cairo, where cellphones work with ease, the message finally came through to me on January 7